Author Archives: admin

Another week. Another paper.

This Thursday, we had the pleasure of discussing another paper and trying to collectively make sense of the reviewer’s comments and how to respond to them. This was a great exercise in interpretation, offering learning opportunities for seniors as well … Continue reading

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Derin Kent and Gloria Kutscher giving a talk on “Extreme contexts as places for working and living: How seafarers manage the boundary of personal and professional life”

TripleED has the pleasure of welcoming assistant professor Derin Kent (Warwick University) and lecturer Gloria Kutscher (Southampton University) to Umeå. On Friday in SAM.A.333 at 13-14, they will give a talk on “Extreme contexts as places for working and living: … Continue reading

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Weekly TripleED meeting: Introductions and small talk with Derin Kent and Gloria Kutscher

This week, we welcome Assistant Professor Derin Kent (Warwick University, UK) and lecturer Gloria Kutscher (Southampton University, UK) to our little TripleEd community. As we typically do, this implies a round of introductions and discussions on what everyone is up … Continue reading

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