Following the idea of the book Sprint, basically Design thinking but in Google variation, Oscar, Ola and Markus set off into the forest for some intense writing. The goal was essentially to put together a draft of a article in two days. Essentially we followed 30 minute sprints where we competing ideas was evaluated, tried different theoretical lenses, and abductively tried the ideas against the empirical material. The room was filled with post-its, magic charts and bad air – but the paper came together quite nicely. The method can certainly be improved but it was a fun, and fast way of working that broke most assumptions about academic life. Whereas we did not expect a publishable article in two days it certainly provided a frame to build on.
News about boredom in the media (again) – in Svenska Dagbladet
Svenska Dagbladet is collaborating with the magazine Chef. Chef is making another piece on our research on boredom. As part of that they are co-publishing the article in SvD. We are very happy to see that our research and efforts are making such a impact in the media. Hopefully someone reflects and puts it into action! You find the link to the article, here. And.. just so you know… NO, Markus did not climb Everest. But kind of wish he did..
On boredom in the media – the magazine Arbetsliv
The magazine Arbetsliv is the largest magazine for working environment issues in Sweden. Recently they published a interview with Markus on the research on boredom and its implications for managers regardless of business. You find the article here.
Martin & Markus article “Sensemaking in sensory deprived settings: The role of non-verbal auditory cues for emergency assessment”
…is now available for download from European Management Journal. In the article we investigate how emergency call centers make sense of their input using non-verbal cues. Pretty interesting if we get to say it ourselves! You find a link here.
Fall planning – Odd Friday seminar & wine; Paper bubbles!
The other day we got together to plan some of the fall activities and celebrate some achievements since last time we saw each other. It was really great to see each other after a long summer apart, and indeed nice to look forward to what we want to achieve.
Odd Friday Seminar & Wine
Some of the things we discussed and decided upon include re-starting the Odd Friday seminars. This time we will do it according to the Scancor @ Stanford model – Friday wine. ( Every Friday the Scancor group have a seminar in the afternoon. When the seminar ends the wine bottles are opened together with some cheese to snack on. The wine and the cheese in turn are prepared by one visiting scholar at a time. The idea is to mimic this, but every second week. Moreover, the seminar is not necessarily on a draft of a paper, but may instead include a brainstorming session, data analysis, read a paper, application review etc. Thus, any activity that is associated with academic life, and that serves the purpose of helping to advance our knowledge about one of the greatest challenges of today; how to make society safer?
The schedule is as follows:
- 15:e september – Björn
- 29:e september – Markus
- 13:e oktober – Robert
- 27:e oktober – Thomas
- 10:e november – Ola
- 24:e november – Oscar
Paper bubbles
The second thing we did was to institute the “Paper bubbles”. Every time we get a paper associated with extreme contexts accepted we have a bottle of sparkling wine. This time we had three papers.. More to come!!!
Lindberg, O, Rantatalo, O. & Stenling, C. (2017) Police bodies and police minds: Professional learning through bodily practices of sport participation. Studies in Continuing Education
- Svensson, M & Hällgren, M. (2017) Sensemaking in sensory deprived settings: The role of non-verbal auditory cues in emergency assessment. European management journal. In press.
- Lindberg, O, Rantatalo, O. & Hällgren, M. (2017) Making sense through false syntheses: Working with paradoxes in the reorganization of the Swedish police. Scandinavian Journal of management. In press.
Lindberg, Rantatalo & Hällgren has article accepted on making sense of paradoxes
Old news, but good news. Ola, Oscar and Markus had the article “Making sense through false syntheses: Working with paradoxes in the reorganization of the Swedish police” accepted for publication in Scandinavian Journal of management.
Svensson & Hällgren had article accepted : Sensemaking in sensory deprived settings: The role of non-verbal auditory cues in emergency assessment
Article we have been working on was accepted by European Jorunal of Management
Sensemaking in sensory deprived settings: The role of non-verbal auditory cues in emergency assessment
Emergency calls are high-stake situations characterized by volatile and time-critical conditions. The use of the telephone restricts sensory perception to a single modality—hearing—which makes both sensemaking and embodied sensemaking more difficult. Using observations, interviews, and organizational documents, we unveil how attention to the non-verbal cues of callers and their surroundings assists emergency operators to make sense of incoming calls for help. We find that operators use two practices to prioritize the calls: a frame-confirming practice and a frame-modifying practice. The practices are underpinned by configurations of verbal and non-verbal cues, wherein caller’s emotional expressions and environmental sounds are both considered as distinct input. The non-verbal focus in this study extends our understanding of first-order sensemaking within the emergency domain but also in other sensory deprived settings in high-consequence industries. The contributions of this analysis to sensemaking research reside in the revelation that non-verbal cues contextualize and consequently frame the discursive elements of sensemaking. More specifically, this research offers the insight that embodies sensemaking benefits from attention being given to callers’ non-verbal cues, rather than valuing only one’s own bodily experiences and mere verbal descriptions about events.
Markus solves the riddle of leadership according to the magazine Chef
The other day Markus was interviewed by the magazine Chef about the research on Everest. Again routines and communication was emphasized. They put the heading, not Markus…
The risk and management of boredom in the local radio
Markus was briefly interviews by the local radio today about the research on the risk and management of boredom.
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Markus TedX-talk on managing the risk of boredom
Some months ago Markus was giving a presentation at TedX Umeå. Recently the recording of the talk became available. You will find it below.