
IMG_1500Of course we (this time Andrew, his daughter and Markus) also went to see the elks. This time they had one week old calves that was standing on very shaky legs.


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Professor Andrew Brown giving a seminar on Storytelling, Mindfulness and High Reliability Organizing

IMG_1497 IMG_1498Today we had the great pleasure to listen to Professor Andrew Brown at the University of Bath and a presentation that involved high reliability seeking organizations and how they become so through storytelling. There were about 20 people attending, mainly from the business school. The event was however co-organized between TripleED, RiseB, Research profile policing competence and organizing (The police education); and the Research profile Leadership, Organization and Working life (department of pedagogy)

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Björn is safe and well in basecamp

Today we received the second round of fieldnotes from Everest, written by Björn. He have had some issues with the connectivity so we have not been in any frequent contact beside by some texting. Today however the second batch really made our day. It is with great pleasure we see how the understanding and detail of the industry of Everest climbing emerges in front of our eyes.

Interesting things so far is the male dominated environment and the importance of having the right connections for

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Funding received from Per & Eivor Wikströms foundation for researching Extreme Contexts

Today TripleED received 220 000 kr in funding from Per & Eivor Wikströms foundation for activities in collaboration with Linda Rouleau at HEC Montreal to further establish and develop the Organizing Extreme Contexts network.

IMG_1327The purpose of the proposed project is to deepen the collaboration between Professor Linda Rouleau at the French speaking university HEC Montreal (Canada) and Professor Markus Hällgren at Umeå University (Sweden), and their research programs. This is achieved by two synergetic aims. The first aim is internally oriented and focuses on the direct research collaboration between the research groups. More specifically we will analyze secondary data and answer how risk has become a traded commodity in society, and how it is enacted? The second aim is externally oriented and will further establish the Organizing Extreme Contexts (OEC) network. Today French- or French Canadian scholars represent half of the approximately 50 members in the OEC-network. Together these aims will establish the Umeå-Montreal collaboration, and the international recognition and impact thereof.

Activities will include but is not limited to doctoral courses, writing workshops, data collection and analysis, doctoral student exchanges and conference arrangements.

Posted in Cho Oyu & Everest North 2016, Commercialization of risk, Extreme contexts, Funding, Grants | Leave a comment

Sending off Björn to Tibet for research on the commercialization of risk

Parts of the TripleED team sending off Björn with a indian lunch
Parts of the TripleED team sending off Björn with a indian lunch

This week has been hectic and filled with various activities related to the departure of Björn. Today (Friday) we sent him off to Tibet where he will spend two months at Cho Oyu and the North side of Mount Everest as part of the skunk-work project Commercialization of risk project that we are currently
investigating without funding. During the two months Björn will follow a expedition closely as they make their way towards the summit of both Cho Oyu and Everest, investigating the commercial practices that makes such a feat possible, and the impact that the commercialization have had historically, and currently have in the work of the guides and climbers.


Björn before taking off

Björn will be in contact with TripleED on a as continuous basis as possible, sending fieldnotes back to the research team in Sweden. That way continuous guidance can be provided and additional insights gained. Information about the trip will be continuously posted on this website.




One never walks alone… Be careful Björn!
Posted in Cho Oyu & Everest North 2016, Commercialization of risk, Extreme contexts | Leave a comment

Submitting review of Extreme Contexts to Academy of Management Annals

Together with Linda Rouleau at HEC Montreal and Mark De Rond at Cambridge University Markus have worked on a review of the history and impact of extreme contexts on organization studies. On the first of April we submitted our draft for consideration in Academy of Management Annals. While not all the analysis is finished just yet our tentative findings are extremely (ca-ching) interesting.

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Receiving funding for collaboration and research

money-09Great news, the other day TripleED received some funding from Per & Eivor Wikströms foundation for the collaboration with Linda Rouleau at HEC Montreal and the further establishment of the Organizing Extreme Contexts research network. The activities include research visits for Doctoral students, writing retreats, a doctoral course and the organizing of workshops to name but a few. The project is a two year project and in total we received 220 000 kr (approximately 25000 USD).

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