Conference push

49275-img_9661This year we decided to make a push for various conferences. Hitherto the papers below have been submitted, and for some we are still waiting on answers to. The idea is that one needs to be visible in order to be able to communicate effectively.



Biedenbach, T. & Hällgren M “Changing the rules of the game: The interplay between routines and capabilities on an Everest expedition” [PROS]

Hällgren, M. “The danger of temporary organizing: The impact of spatial and temporal dimensions on the interpretation of experience” [EGOS]

Hällgren, M & Lindahl, M. “COOPETITION EXTREMIS ON DECISION-MAKING AND SUBCONSCIOUS FOLLOWERSHIP” [6th Workshop on Coopetition strategy]

Hällgren M & Svensson, M. “Listen! On audiobased sensemaking in emergency call taking practice” [EGOS]


Rosales, V. “The Interplay between Roles and Routines” [PROS]

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Welcome Martin Svensson

Martin Svensson , assistant professor in industrial economy and management at BTH and visiting lecturer/post doc at USBE. At the core, his research interests concern decision making in uncertain and ambiguous contexts. He has done studies regarding the underpinnings of decision making in the emergency call center domain and of teams conducting crisis management. He has also probed the circumstances of entrepreneurial decisions and been involved in projects on how to assemble innovative teams in ambidextrous organizations.

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TripleED workshop

The other week TripleED met for a workshop discussing the papers and other activities that currently are in the pipeline. After two days of intensive discussions it could be concluded that the future looks bright if even half of the current pipeline are fulfilled. Stay tuned for more information.

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Welcome Thomas Biedenbach!

TripleED is very happy to announce that Thomas Biedenbach will join the team of dedicated researchers! He will make a great addition to the team, below you find some information about him!

Thomas Biedenbach is an Assistant Professor of Management at Umeå School of Business and Economics at Umeå University in Sweden. He holds a PhD degree from Umeå University and joins the Triple E.D. team as postdoctoral researcher. He has conducted research on capabilities facilitating innovation in the pharmaceutical R&D process, universities’ innovation support system, and effects of platform development on business models. His previous research experiences have emphasized the management of collaborative innovation in complex, uncertain and dynamic environments, which is an extreme(ly fast-moving) business environment. In addition to teaching various management courses at undergraduate and graduate levels, he has experience in teaching research methodology for business students. Find out more about Thomas here.

Welcome Thomas!

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USBE and TripleED looking for candidates for 1-2 postdoc positions

Take the opportunity to apply and join an exciting project and a dedicated and ambitious team of researchers that are pursuing high impact research on decision making and organizing in extreme environments! USBE and TripleED is currently looking for ambitious candidates that want to take their research to the next level! Please find the ad here, and for your convenience also pasted below. Welcome with your application!


UmU logo Umeå universitet söker…
Umeå universitet satsar på kreativa miljöer för studier och arbete. Hos oss finns attraktiva utbildningar, världsledande forskning och utmärkta innovations- och samverkansmöjligheter. Fler än 4 400 medarbetare och 34 000 studenter har redan valt Umeå universitet. Välkommen med din ansökan!


Handelshögskolan vid Umeå universitet (USBE) har drygt 170 anställda varav cirka 90 disputerade lärare och forskare. Verksamheten består av forskning och undervisning inom företagsekonomi, nationalekonomi och statistik. Hos oss läser mer än 2000 studenter. För mer information om Handelshögskolan besök gä


1-2 postdoktor(er) i företagsekonomi

till Handelshögskolan med inriktning mot forskning inom beslutsfattande och organisering i extrema miljöer

Anställningen är på heltid under en period av två år med tillträde den 1 januari 2014 eller enligt överenskommelse.
Nu söker Handelshögskolan vid Umeå universitet en eller två postdoktorer till forskningsgruppen Extreme Environments, Everyday Decisions (TripleED). TripleED består av en grupp internationella forskare, där basen är sektionen för management vid Handelshögskolan. Inom gruppen bedrivs forskning om beslutsfattande och organisering i miljöer där människor riskerar att komma till skada. Mer precist studerar forskarna bland annat grupp- och organiseringsprocesser, organisatoriska rutiner och ledarskap, samt hur dessa områden påverkar och påverkas av individ, grupp och samhälle. Exempel på miljöer som studerats inkluderar klättringsexpeditioner och akutsjukvård. Flera av forskarna är knutna till Handelshögskolans starka forskningsmiljö inom projekt, innovationer och nätverk (PIN). Vidare har gruppen samarbeten med forskare vid flera världsledande universitet. Mer information om projektet går att finna på
Den huvudsakliga arbetsuppgiften är att bidra till forskningsmiljön genom att bedriva egen och gemensam forskning, samarbeta med omgivande samhälle och med andra forskare inom och utanför Handelshögskolan samt medverka till att anordna seminarier och konferenser tillsammans med forskare i forskningsgruppen.


Innehavaren av anställningen förväntas även aktivt söka externa forskningsmedel, enskilt och tillsammans med forskare vid forskningsmiljön. Vidare kan undervisning vid Handelshögskolan ingå till högst en femtedel av arbetstiden.
Sökanden ska ha doktorsexamen i företagsekonomi eller motsvarande vetenskaplig kompetens. Behörig att anställas som postdoktor är den som har avlagt doktorsexamen högst tre år före ansökningstidens utgång. En förutsättning är att arbetstagaren inte tidigare varit anställd som postdoktor eller innehaft liknande tjänst vid Umeå universitet med stöd av avtalet från 2008-09-04 under mer än ett år inom samma eller närliggande ämnesområde. Vid tillsättning skall särskild vikt fästas vid vetenskaplig skicklighet visad genom egen forskning och publikationer i internationellt erkända tidskrifter samt tidigare och planerad forskning av relevans för anställningen. Vikt skall också fästas vid förmåga till samarbete och kommunikation inom det akademiska fältet. Den sökande ska också ha den pedagogiska förmåga som krävs för att fullgöra undervisning på grundläggande och avancerad nivå. De sökande kommer huvudsakligen att rangordnas baserat på vetenskaplig skicklighet och deras forskningsprofil inom området för anställningen.
Ansökan skall bestå av:

  • Styrkt meritförteckning inklusive publikationslista
  • Skriftlig redogörelse för hittillsvarande vetenskaplig verksamhet (2 sidor)
  • Skriftlig redogörelse för hittillsvarande pedagogisk verksamhet (1 sida)
  • Projektplan som visar planerad och påbörjad forskning, och hur den passar samman med projektmiljöns övergripande fokus (2 sidor)
  • Vetenskapliga uppsatser/publikationer, högst fem stycken
  • Eventuellt övriga handlingar som du önskar åberopa


Närmare upplysningar lämnas av forskningsledare Markus Hällgren, 090-786 5885,, eller biträdande prefekt Jessica Eriksson, 090-786 99 82, Facklig information lämnas av SACO, tel 090-786 53 65, SEKO, tel 090-786 52 96 samt ST, tel 090-786 54 31.


Ansökan kan antingen inlämnas elektroniskt (handlingar i word- eller pdf-format) eller i pappersformat (2 kopior).


Eventuell intervju planeras mellan 2013-10-15-2013-11-15.
Välkommen med din ansökan, märkt med dnr 315-836-13. Skicka den (ange dnr som ärende) eller till Umeå universitet, Registrator, 901 87 Umeå senast 2013-10-01.

UmU logo Umeå University announces


Umeå University is dedicated to providing creative environments for learning and work. We offer a wide variety of courses and programmes, world leading research, and excellent innovation and collaboration opportunities. More than 4 400 employees and 34 000 students have already chosen Umeå University. We welcome your application!


Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE) has over 170 employees including about 90 PhDs and researchers. The activities consist of research and teaching in business administration, economics and statistics. We have more than 2000 students going through our programs/year. For more information about the business school visit

1-2 postdoctoral positions in Business Administration

at Umeå School of Business and Economics with a focus on research on decision making and organizing in extreme environments

The position is for full time during two years starting January 1, 2014, or upon agreement.
Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE) at Umeå University advertise one to two post-doctoral positions within the research group Extreme Environments, Everyday Decisions (TripleED). TripleED is a group of international researchers, where the base is the section for Management at USBE. The group conducts research on decision making and organizing in environments where individual risk being harmed. More specifically, the researchers study among other things group and organization processes, organizational routines and leadership, and how these areas influence and are influenced by individuals, group and society. Examples of environments studied include mountain expeditions and emergency health care. Several of the researchers are linked to the USBE strong research environment in projects, innovations and networks. The group further has collaborations with researchers at several leading international universities. More information about the project is available at
The main work task is to contribute to the research environment by conducting research, collaborating with the community as well as with other researchers within and outside USBE and arranging seminars and conferences with members of the research group. The holder of the position is expected to actively apply for external research funding, individually as well as with other researchers in the research environment. Teaching activities can be included in the position at a maximum of 20 percent of full time.
To qualify for the position the applicant must hold a PhD in Business Administration or have the corresponding scientific competence. Eligible for employment as a post doc are persons who completed their doctoral degree maximum three years before the end of the application period. A precondition is that the applicant has not previously been employed as a post doc at Umeå University (with support of the agreement from September 4, 2008) during more than a year within the same or a similar field.
Upon selection of applicants, special attention is paid to academic skills demonstrated through research and publications in internationally recognized journals as well as prior and planed research of relevance for the position. Attention is also paid to the ability to collaborate and communicate in the academic field. The applicant should also demonstrate the pedagogical ability necessary to conduct teaching on bachelor and master’s levels. The applicants will be ranked primarily based on scientific skills and their research profile within the area for the position.
The application will consist of the following:

  • A curriculum vitae (certified) including list of publications
  • A written account of the applicant’s research experience to date (2 pages)
  • A written account of the applicant’s teaching experience to date (1 page)
  • Project plan for planned and ongoing research, as well as how it fits with the overall focus of the research project’s main focus (2 pages)
  • Copies of scholarly works/publications (maximum five)
  • Other documents you wish to put forward


Further information can be obtained from research leader Markus Hällgren, +46 90-786 58 85,, or the Associate Head of Department Jessica Eriksson, +46 90-786 99 82, Union information can be obtained from SACO, +46 90-786 53 65, SEKO, +46 90-786 52 96 or ST, +46 90-786 54 31.


The application can be submitted either electronically (documents must then be in word- or pdf-format) or in hard-copy form (2 copies).


Potential interviews are planned between 2013-10-15-2013-11-15.

Your complete application, marked with reference number 315-836-13, should be sent to (state the reference number as subject) or to the Registrar, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden to arrive October 1, 2013 at the latest. 

We look forward to receiving your application!

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Umeå universitet
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Everest climbers on hold for 12h, waiting for winds to drop

The Everest team is safely in their tents in camp 4, waiting 12h for the winds to drop, and the snow to stop falling. In (what used to be) 12h they will decide whether to go for the summit or not. The decision should be made in the morning tomorrow the 22nd Pacific Standard Time (if I have counted correctly).

This information was received from a blog post from the sister of the expedition leader. For reasons of anonymity we don´t post the URL here


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Hari, The TripleED researcher/climber is safe down in Everest BC

I was just informed that Hari is safe down in base camp after having turned around at Lhotse camp 4 after the weather forecasts turning bad. After having made the decision to go down he went all the way from camp 4 to base camp in one push. He feels well and all fingers and toes are where they are supposed to be.

The Everest team is still planning to go for the summit as far as we know – no new information that says something difference since the last time. I will keep you posted as I get information.


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Summit attempt delayed

It is time for the summit push for both the climbers on Everest and Lhotse in the expedition that we are studying. The first intention was to go for the summit on the 21 st (PST) but due to high winds both summit pushes have been delayed with one day. –

Except for that everyone is doing well.



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