Today we had the great pleasure to listen to Professor Robert Gephart giving a presentation on “Narrative resistance: Temporal work, risk sensemaking, and institutional legitimation” The paper is co-authored with Marc Bonnet and Roy Suddaby. The paper is really interesting, developing theory on the difficulties of resistance and how resistance bring about oppression by institutional entities set in place to protect citizens.
Virginia defends her dissertation!!! – “The interplay of roles and routines: Situating, patterning, and performances in the emergency department”
This Friday Virginia Rosales went from a promising doctoral student to a promising Ph.D. After a successful defense of her dissertation titled “The interplay of roles and routines: Situating, patterning, and performances in the emergency department” she can now call herself a “doctor”! TripleEd´s members are of course extremely proud and happy for her! Next step is to continue her work at HEC Montreal.
WORKSHOP 29/11 with Professor Robert Gephart on “Qualitative research as interpretive science”
We, TripleEd and the research profile “Leadership, Organization and Working life” @ the Department of Pedagogy, are excited to welcome Professor Robert Gephart from University of Alberta to Umeå. Professor Gephart is an extremely well-known professor in the broad field of organization studies, with a particular interest in crises and qualitative methods. You find his biography below. We really hope that you take the opportunity to attend the two events. There will be one seminar and one workshop. Please see information below.
WORKSHOP – Qualitative research as interpretive science
WHEN: 29th of Nov
TIME: 13.15-15
Signing up is not required but appreciated;
(Chapter to be provided on request)
Bio: Robert P. Gephart is Professor of Business at the University of Alberta and Chercheur associé at Institut de socio-économie des entreprises et des organizations, Magellan, IAE Lyon, Université Jean Moulin. Dr. Gephart is an internationally recognized scholar whose research has contributed important advances in qualitative research methods for the social and management sciences. His substantive research has also provided important insights into the management of organizational risks, crises and emergencies. Dr. Gephart served for over 10 years as Associate Editor of the Organization Research Methods journal. He has published in a number of highly visible journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Management Organization Studies, and Organizational Research Methods. Dr. Gephart is the author of Ethnostatistics: Qualitative foundations for qualitative research (Sage, 1988), co-editor of Postmodern Management and Organization Theory (Sage, 1996, with D. Boje and T. Thatchenkery) and lead editor of The Routledge Companion to Risk, Crisis and Emergency Management (2019 with C. C. Miller and K. Svedberg Helgesson). Dr. Gephart received the 2015 Sage/Research Methods Division Career Achievement Award from the Academy of Management for his contributions to organizational research methods and launching the field of ethnostatistics.
SEMINAR 27/11 with Professor Robert Gephart on “Narratives of resistance to the oil and gas industry”
We, TripleEd and the research profile “Leadership, Organization and Working life” @ the Department of Pedagogy, are excited to welcome Professor Robert Gephart from University of Alberta to Umeå. Professor Gephart is an extremely well-known professor in the broad field of organization studies, with a particular interest in crises and qualitative methods. You find his biography below. We really hope that you take the opportunity to attend the two events. There will be one seminar and one workshop. Please see information below.
SEMINAR – Narratives of resistance to the oil and gas industry
WHERE: Hörsal C
WHEN: 27th of Nov
TIME: 10.15-12
Signing up is not required but appreciated;
Robert P. Gephart is Professor of Business at the University of Alberta and Chercheur associé at Institut de socio-économie des entreprises et des organizations, Magellan, IAE Lyon, Université Jean Moulin. Dr. Gephart is an internationally recognized scholar whose research has contributed important advances in qualitative research methods for the social and management sciences. His substantive research has also provided important insights into the management of organizational risks, crises and emergencies. Dr. Gephart served for over 10 years as Associate Editor of the Organization Research Methods journal. He has published in a number of highly visible journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Management Organization Studies, and Organizational Research Methods. Dr. Gephart is the author of Ethnostatistics: Qualitative foundations for qualitative research (Sage, 1988), co-editor of Postmodern Management and Organization Theory (Sage, 1996, with D. Boje and T. Thatchenkery) and lead editor of The Routledge Companion to Risk, Crisis and Emergency Management (2019 with C. C. Miller and K. Svedberg Helgesson). Dr. Gephart received the 2015 Sage/Research Methods Division Career Achievement Award from the Academy of Management for his contributions to organizational research methods and launching the field of ethnostatistics.
Please distribute freely!
Some finding received from USBE research institute
We received some funding (15000kr) from USBE research institute to continue with our research exchange program during a part of 2018. Yihoo!
PUBLISHED: Buchanan & Hällgren – “Surviving a zombie apocalypse: Leadership configurations in extreme contexts”
David Buchanan and Markus Hällgren have their leadership article based on the zombie classic “Day of the Dead” by George Romero published in pre-print. Available at the journal of “Management Learning”. If you´d like a copy drop any of the authors an email.
What can the classic zombie movie, Day of the Dead, tell us about leadership? In our analysis of this film, we explore leadership behaviours in an extreme context – a zombie apocalypse where survivors face persistent existential threat. Extreme context research presents methodological challenges, particularly with regard to fieldwork. The use of films as proxy case studies is one way in which to overcome these problems, and for researchers working in an interpretivist perspective, ‘social science fiction’ is increasingly used as a source of inspiration and ideas. The contribution of our analysis concerns highlighting the role of leadership configurations in extreme contexts, an approach not previously addressed in this field, but one that has greater explanatory power than current perspectives. In Day of the Dead, we observe several different configurations – patterns of leadership styles and behaviours – emerging, shifting and overlapping across the phases of the narrative, each with radically different consequences for the group of survivors. These observations suggest a speculative theory of leadership configurations and their implications in extreme contexts, for exploring further, with other methods.
First ODD seminar – Ulrica Nyhlen opens up with ”The history of a paper”
Today we had the pleasure of having the first ODD seminar of the semester. Ulrica told the story about the paper “Multi-professional teamwork in human services: The mutual shaping of professional identity and team activities” ( she have just published. A story of the ups and downs of academia, and the benefits of collegial feedback.
Today Professor Stewart Clegg at UTS, Sidney visited TripleEd and USBE. As part of the activities he gave a talk based on the paper “EMERGENT COORDINATION FAILURES IN FREELANCE IMPROVISATION: LESSONS FROM THE “ROAD OF DEATH”. Unfortunately the paper was so interesting that no photo was taken. The paper is based on a wildfire in Portugal that caught several people at a bad spot, that eventually killed them. The paper is an example of the darkside of improvisation and its consequences.
Seminar with Professor Ann Cunliffe on “Wayfaring: A Scholarship of Possibilities. Or Let’s not get drunk on abstraction”
Today Ann gave her second seminar at USBE. This time it was a seminar titled “Wayfaring: A Scholarship of Possibilities. Or Let’s not get drunk on abstraction.” Ann argue that our academic work is becoming increasingly normalized through the gatekeeping activities of journal editors, funding bodies, ranking systems, and so on. This is resulting in a narrowing of scholarship: of methods, of theorizing, and of ways in which we write our accounts. She suggest that one way of addressing this situation is to build a more pluralistic scholarship of possibilities, one that requires us to humanify ourselves and others. Ann draw on anthropologist Tim Ingold’s notion of ‘wayfaring’ as a metaphor for re-thinking how we might conduct our research as a scholarship of possibilities, and suggest this involves foresight, imagination and reflexivity.
Quite obviously this topic a very relevant for studying extreme contexts that by definition, is extreme, challenging what is taken for granted.
This track will address a major gap in our understanding – organising for resilience in contexts that are abnormal, exceptional, or extreme. This can involve the processes of anticipating, preparing for, responding to and learning from disruptive events in order to survive and prosper.
Our specific focus is on in extreme contexts where risks of severe physical, psychological harm or material consequences threaten the viability of an organisation and the safety and well-being of its organisational members. We will explore the theoretical, methodological and practical dimensions of the topic.
Track organizers: Professor David Denyer (Cranfield University); Professor Markus Hällgren (Umeå university); Professor Martina Linnenluecke (Macquarie University); Doctor Elmar Kutsch (Cranfield University); Dr Mark Hall
(Birmingham University); Doctor Hugo Marynissen (Antwerp Management School)
Hope to see you in Lisboa!”