Workshop with Professor Ann Cunliffe on Publishing in top-tier journals

Today we had the pleasure of having Professor Ann Cunliffe giving a seminar on Publishing in top tier journals, specifically how to deal with reviewers’ comments. A number of different take aways but among those the Golden rule of writing: “Tell them what you are going to say—>TELL THEM—>Tell them what you have said”

We will have the pleasure of enjoying Ann’s company and great mind for a week!

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Markus presenting the Annals paper on extreme contexts at the R3 research seminar

The R3 research group stands for Risk, Resilience and Reliability. It is a newly formed interdisciplinary network that currently is organized by Amy Fraher and Mark Hall at Birmingham University. Markus was invited to present his and Linda Rouleau´s and Mark de Rond´s Annals paper on extreme contexts. It was a great seminar with plenty of interesting thoughts and discussions following presentations by senior and junior scholars alike.

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How to survive a zombie infection – and other minor disasters

Today I, Markus, had the pleasure of listening to Herman Geijer. The expert on how to survive a zombie infection. Herman has written two books about the phenomena and now is giving talks all over Sweden about how to best prepare. It was a pleasure to listen to him, giving examples that are highly relevant to our behaviors and contemporary examples of disasters, such as 9-11, Hurricane Sandy, Forest fires in Sweden and bridges that breaks and people keep driving off from. I should nuance this slightly, Herman is indeed talking about zombies, but as a metaphor for understanding society´s preparedness level for more common disasters. From a extreme context point of view, it is yet an example of what we can learn when we apply such a empirical lens! Btw, the photo do not show it, but the room was packed!

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ODD seminar on Lauder & Marynissen – Normal chaos: A new research paradigm for understanding practice

Yesterday Thomas arranged a seminar where we discussed Lauder & Marynissen´s article “Normal chaos: A new research paradigm for understanding practice” published in “Journal of Contingency and Crisis Management”. The conclusions were mixed but one take away is that what they describe is an old, universal problem. The battle between theory in use, and espoused theory if one will. The issue is what to do about this knowledge. That is yet to explore.

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Professor Daniel Geiger´s workshop on Ethnographic methods is drawing a crowd!

Professor Daniel Geiger was kind enough to give a workshop too about his view of ethnography and its practice. It was three hours really well spent on the challenges that faces anyone that is interested in such methods, summarized into collecting, analysing and writing up such data! Several good examples of his and others were provided as food for thought to the participants.

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Rantatalo, Lindberg, Kihlberg & Hällgren – Negotiations and Research Bargains: Bending Professional Norms in the Effort to Gain Field Access

This morning Ola received the news that our paper is available to everyone. The paper is published on an “open access” basis and as a consequence open to anyone! It details the methodological struggles that we have had with one of our projects, and the kind of challenges and opportunities that arose from those – and how we navigated the treacherous waters.

You find the paper here

The present study provides an autoethnographic account of the efforts to gain field access to a police organization, spanning more than 2 years. The aim is to describe a case of gaining access in relation to the professional norms of science put forward by Robert K. Merton. Aided by an organized record of notes, e-mails, and other written communications regarding access (144 memos of various types), the study describes and discusses the negotiations with Mertonian norms that followed from the dissonance between ideals of research and practical reality. Opening up for further scholarly discussion, this article concludes that Merton’s norms are incongruent with both prevailing guidelines of research ethics and with the practical, short-term problems of access negotiations and research bargains.

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ODD seminar – The “WHY” of TripleEd

Today we had a ODD seminar again. This time it was Markus turn to host it. We made use of something as unscientific as Simon Sinek´s “Find your why” to explore the “hidden” reasons to what we are doing. It took a good part of 2,5 hours and we could probably have continued (and will continue), but now we have a draft of a statement. We will not reveal it for the public just yet but it do catch the essence of why we are doing what we are doing.

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