Working with the analysis
Here we are hard at work with the analysis of Robert´s first article where we examine sensegiving in the context of the Swedish police.
Here we are hard at work with the analysis of Robert´s first article where we examine sensegiving in the context of the Swedish police.
In February Virginia had her internal defense on her dissertation. Katharina Dittrich from EZH Zürich, together with Jessica Ericsson and Angelos Kostis. The trio provided excellent comments on the manuscript that helped to clarify and suggests constructive ways forward. The conclusion … Continue reading
As part of a future postdoc at HEC Montreal Virginia received a post doc stipend from Per & Eivors Wikströms foundation. At HEC Virginia will continue her research on organizational routines in the healthcare industry.
Björn has been holding two presentations about his Everest experience 2016. The first presentation was held during the annual Umeå Climbing club christmas dinner. In this presentation he talked about the research team, what we can learn from studying these kinds … Continue reading
For some time now Markus has been working on a podcast dedicated to learning from people involved in and with extreme contexts. The idea is to take seriously such individuals experiences and translate it to more ordinary settings and organisations. A … Continue reading
Everyday life in extreme contexts: The roles of identity, routines and emotions Together with the principal researcher Linda Rouleau, and researchers Sebastien Arcand, Stephanie Gagnon, Markus is involved in a project given to Linda and funded by the government of … Continue reading
Last night Markus gave a presentation in the unscientific lecture series for the students. The presentation was based on some of the recent research on the effects on boredom and how it could be managed in a temporary organisation – … Continue reading
Honestly, there’s time for work and there is time for play. Tonight it was the latter. Parts of the group were enjoying some food together, life as an academic, methods and why we fo what we do. In addition of … Continue reading
Together with Cecilia Hammar Wijkmark (MSB), Oscar and Markus was at the kickoff of the larger S&S test arena where they have a sub-project focused on developing operational command scenarios for the blue light services. It was a couple of interesting … Continue reading
Together with professor Malin Tillmar (Linköping university) and Johanna Rein (Uppsala University) Markus co-convened a track at FEKIS (the Swedish association for business studies researchers) that focused on among other things extreme contexts. Opportunities such as frame breaking, increased access, … Continue reading