Markus pratar om tristess i P4 Karlavagnen
Igårkväll hade P4 ett inslag om tristess i våra liv. Markus hade förmånen att bli intervjuad om insikterna om hur expeditioner på Mount Everest hanterar det.
Igårkväll hade P4 ett inslag om tristess i våra liv. Markus hade förmånen att bli intervjuad om insikterna om hur expeditioner på Mount Everest hanterar det.
Today Ola, Robert, Ola and Markus had the pleasant news that their article “Negotiations and research bargains: Bending professional norms in the effort to gain field access” was accepted for publication in International Journal of Qualitative Methods. Worth mentioning this … Continue reading
Today Markus had the opportunity to do a workshop on leadership in projects. Nothing special about that, except that the case the master students were working with was the true classic. Late George Romero´s “Day of the Dead”, the third and final … Continue reading
Without a picture but trust us, we still had a very nice ODD seminar on the paper entitled “Professional Socialization through Identity Work: Junior Doctors’ Responses to Professional Expectations “. Since the paper is in review the author will not … Continue reading
Once upon a time there was this occasion when Markus wrote a piece for a newsletter published by KnowIT. The piece can be found here
Today we received the news that we have received funding from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond for a research exchange program addressing the grand challenges of today. Please find the summary in Swedish and English below. Sammanfattning på svenska Programmets syfte är att … Continue reading
Another seminar with the TripleED team. This time co-authored by Thomas, Martin and Markus. The data is based on Mount Everest and how commercial expedition teams compensate for the lack of competence among clients. Today it was Thomas turn to manage … Continue reading
Today we had our third Odd seminar for the semester. This time it was Robert´s turn to arrange it. We had the opportunity to read and comment on the paper “Discursive sensegiving in organizational change” that Robert, Oscar, Ola and … Continue reading
The other week Markus, Linda and Mark had their paper “A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH: HOW EXTREME CONTEXT RESEARCH MATTERS FOR MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION STUDIES” accepted for publication in Academy of Management Annals. It has been a long process but … Continue reading
Last Friday we had another Odd Friday seminar. This time it was Markus hosting the event. The topic of the day was the paper that Oscar, Ola and Markus have put together in more or less literally the blink of … Continue reading