Annals-HeaderThe other week Markus, Linda and Mark had their paper “A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH: HOW EXTREME CONTEXT RESEARCH MATTERS FOR MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION STUDIES” accepted for publication in Academy of Management Annals. It has been a long process but nevertheless very rewarding. Hopefully it will also make an important contribution to management and Organization studies.

The pre-print is available here: http://annals.aom.org/content/early/2017/10/06/annals.2016.0017

IMG_2156 kopiaAbstract
Organization scholarship has seen an escalation of interest in research into extremes. Comprising several interconnected domains, this growing body of research is decidedly fragmented. This fragmentation risks limiting its potential for advancing management and organization studies. Drawing on 138 articles published in top-tier journals between 1980 and 2015, the purpose of this review is to resolve some of this fragmentation by sharpening definitions and by developing a context-specific typology to help differentiate between contributions from research into risky contexts, emergency contexts, and disrupted contexts. Doing so allows us to let the various literatures speak to each other, and to outline ways to enhance the cumulative potential of extreme context research.

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Odd seminar on “The practice of criminal investigation”

g6FNlu3GFYyu0Cfz2C_8_K2bPuALast Friday we had another Odd Friday seminar. This time it was Markus hosting the event. The topic of the day was the paper that Oscar, Ola and Markus have put together in more or less literally the blink of an eye. It has really been a short burst of energy put into the paper and it has been a great learning experience. Some of the seminar was also devoted to talking about this process in order to pay it forward to any one interested in developing it further. Unfortunately we forgot to take any photo of the event, but even without proofs, we were really there. Discussing. Enjoying academia.

The paper? It is about the job of criminal investigators and how dependent they are on the people around them. Effectively challenging their and others common perception of the lone detective solving a tough mystery.

Posted in knowledge based team work in the investigations of volume crime in the Swedish police, Seminar | Tagged | Leave a comment

The fast paper thought experiment continues

IMG_3189A few days ago Oscar, Ola and Markus met again to continue to elaborate on the paper that  we started writing on the other week, with a mere two days to do it on. This time we did not go anywhere exotic, nor did we end up using Magic Charts (or as someone had written in some fieldnotes, magic sharts). Rather we used our trusted Post-Its, a whiteboard to visualize the process and what had to be done in a Kanban kind of way. At the end of the day some things remain but soon we have a draft that can be fine-tuned. One of the take-aways of the day was that we could use Trello to work separately and still folllow the Kanban method and thus keep track of the process. – and being able to tease each other on progress in a very VERY friendly manner.

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Article in Kvalitetsmagasinet about the dangers and management of boredom

Skärmavbild 2017-09-28 kl. 10.55.20Kvalitetsmagasinet focuses on management issues from a quality perspective and each issue is distributed to 30000 people. In this article Markus continuous his rant about the consequences of boredom and in what ways it is dangerous and how it could be managed. Unfortunately in Swedish though.. They separated the interview into two separate articles, found below.

What the problem is: http://kvalitetsmagasinet.se/darfor-ar-det-farligt-med-uttrakade-medarbetare/
How to avoid: http://kvalitetsmagasinet.se/fem-risker-med-tristess-och-hur-du-undviker-dem/

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Seminar today with professor Stewart Clegg on “Policing, power and ethics”

clegg_3The seminar was so interesting that we forgot to take pictures from it! The seminar was about an organizational change of a part of the Australian police as a consequence of severe corruption. While the organizational change was well-meant the outcomes were not that good. Rather than changing anything the change would prove to further establish similar behaviors and allow for the failing ethics to prosper, but in a different way. The full paper can be found here. (if one looks around there is software solutions to go beyond the paywalls of academic papers – and yes, the publishers business model is not ok…)

Background to the context and the paper could be found here

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Friday seminar – When Emotions Takes Over: An Embodied perspective on Survival (Lindgren & Hällgren)

IMG_3156 IMG_3159Today we had the second Friday seminar. This time it was Björn´s turn to arrange the seminar. Björn chose a paper that he and Markus is writing on. The seminar included reading the draft of the paper, watching a five minute part of the video-ethnographic material and then making an analysis thereof using Post-Its. Great fun, very useful! And, a great way to end the week with some wine and assorted sausages that followed.

Next up is Markus on the 29th

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