Working at the Emergency Department: Insights from Stanford University and Umeå University


TripleED @ Umeå School of Business and Economics 

WHEN: 21st of May, 13.00 – 17.00

WHERE: S 305, Social Sciences faculty building


 Description: “Working at the Emergency Department” is a panel organized by the research group “Extreme Environments, Everyday Decisions” (TripleED) at Umeå School of Business and Economics. The panel brings together scholars and practitioners with an interest in the everyday practice of emergency departments, specifically the Stanford University Emergency Department and Umeå University hospital Emergency Department. The central theme revolves around the challenges and opportunities in the daily work; for example, organizational routines, decision-making and team dynamics. The panel consists of representatives from Stanford and Umeå, as well as scholars from the research team TripleED. After the presentations there will be an open discussion about the issues and insights.

Invited panelist:

Dr. Swaminatha Mahadevan, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine/Surgery (Medical Center Line) at Stanford University School of Medicine; served as Associate Chief of Emergency Medicine and ED Medical Director for Stanford University Medical Center from 2000-2012. Dr. Mahadevan is lead editor of the textbook, An Introduction to Clinical Emergency Medicine, which was awarded the 2006 American Medical Writer’s Association Award: Physician’s Category, as the top medical textbook in the United States for all specialties. He has received numerous prestigious university and national teaching awards.

Dr. Toralph Ruge, Ph.D. Department of Surgery at Umeå university hospital. Dr Ruge is a senior consultant in emergency medicine and responsible of the education of doctors in emergency medicine at the department. He has also published several articles in scientific journals.

Virginia Rosales, MSc, doctoral student in the TripleED research team. Her doctoral studies focus on the interplay between professional roles and organizational routines in the daily practice at the emergency department at Umeå University hospital.

Martin Svensson, Assistant Professor at Blekinge Institute of Technology, and affiliated to TripleED. Svensson’s research focuses on psychological aspects within economic and organizational settings. These interests have been manifested in studies regarding the underpinnings of decision making in practice in the emergency call center domain and in emergency departments.

Registration: Send an email to Virginia Rosales ( if you are interested in participating. There are a limited number of seats available, distributed on a first come first serve basis.

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Presenting a pilot project for the police regarding the re-organization of the Swedish police

The other day Oscar, Ola and Markus had the pleasure to present our pilot study of a workgroup during the re-organization of the Swedish police. In the pilot project a workgroup was observed and interviewed, as well as a committee working with the change issues. Based on the material the report investigated how they made sense of their task to outline how a certain group of police will work as local departments become a part of the larger Region Nord, a geographically dispersed region including most of Northern Sweden.

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New doctoral student position available

We are currently looking for a bright and driven doctoral student to study the ongoing transformation of the police. See specifications below, the add can be found here (look for “företagsekonomi” and “management”:

Vi söker en driven och ambitiös doktorand i ett projekt med fokus på polisiär- och civil personals arbete och meningsskapande i den pågående förändringen av den svenska polismyndigheten. Tillträde  2015-09-01 eller enligt överenskommelse.

Projektet syftar till att studera omorganisationen av den Svenska polismyndigheten, vilket är en av de största omorganisationerna i Sverige. Projektet vilar på en organisationsteoretisk grund och exempel på forskningsfrågor inkluderar, men är inte begränsade till, konsekvenserna av förändrade rutiner, identitetens betydelse i en ny roll, nya arbetsuppgifter under upprätthållandet av samhällskritiska funktioner, materiellt och emotionellt meningsskapande, betydelsen av tid och plats. Inom dessa breda ramar finns det stora möjligheter för en doktorand att själv definiera sitt intresseområde. Projektet är en del av forskningsmiljön inom vilket ett flertal projekt inryms. TripleED är baserad vid managementsektionen på USBE.


Som doktorand skall du förutom kurser göra en självständig studie inom projektet. Du förväntas bidra till forskningsmiljön genom att aktivt delta i seminarier, konferenser och andra forskningsaktiviteter som stödjer din forskning och forskningsmiljön i stort. I TripleED bedrivs ett flertal projekt med forskare från andra länder. Arbetet kan därför komma att inbegripa kortare resor.

Vid behov kan du även delta i grundutbildning och/eller annan institutionsverksamhet upp till 20 % av arbetstiden. I sådana fall förlängs anställningen i motsvarande grad.

Behörighet och urval till forskarutbildning

  • Grundläggande behörighet har den som har avlagt en examen på avancerad nivå, fullgjort kursfordringar om minst 240 högskolepoäng, varav minst 60 högskolepoäng på avancerad nivå, eller på något annat sätt förvärvat i huvudsak motsvarande kunskaper.
  •  Särskild behörighet för antagning till forskarutbildning i företagsekonomi kräver godkända kurser inom företagsekonomi eller motsvarande ämne omfattande minst 90 högskolepoäng, inkluderande ett självständigt arbete omfattande minst 15 hp.
  •  God analytisk förmåga samt goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska.
  •  Forskningen bedrivs som en del av en större projektmiljö och stor vikt läggs vid sociala egenskaper.
  •  Extra meriterande med en eller flera examina med fördjupning inom organisation- och/eller management, eller motsvarande ämnen, dokumenterad god förmåga att skriva vetenskapligt eller populärvetenskapligt samt tidigare erfarenhet av polisverksamhet i vid bemärkelse.

Bedömning av behöriga sökande grundar sig på den sökandes meriter och förutsättningar att tillgodogöra sig forskarutbildningen.


Ansökan skall innehålla (på svenska):

  • Personligt brev med redogörelse för forskningsintresse och motivation till att söka forskarutbildningen (2 sidor)
  • CV
  • Kopior av betyg och examensbevis
  • Kopia på uppsats/examensarbete
  • Namn och kontaktuppgifter till minst 2 referenspersoner

Övriga upplysningar

Arbetstiden tillbringas i Umeå.Information om forskarutbildningen i företagsekonomi , inklusive dess allmänna studieplan, finns på

Ansökan görs via e-rekryteringssystemet MyNetwork Pro senast 2015-08-03.

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Thomas received funding for studying “The Embodiment of Risk: a pre-study of local firefighters”

IMG_5875TripleED are in a flow, this is another happy funding face! Today Thomas Biedenbach received funding from USBE Research Institute for studying how local firemen makes sense of risk. The funding will cover a pre-study of named setting but also include some networking activities that hopefully will allow us to develop the research agenda further. Congratulations Thomas!

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Virginia received funding for going to HEC Montreal

IMG_5873This is how happy one can be when some funding trickles in!
The other day Virginia received funding from the Wikströmska foundation to go for a semester to HEC Montreal and visit Professor Linda Rouleau. Of course TripleED is as happy as Virginia for this opportunity to go to one of the best places in the world to learn more about organisational theory and practice theory! Congratulations!

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polisen-1440x960The other day we (Markus, Oscar & Ola) received the good news that we have received a grant from the Police education at Umeå University. The project deals with how civilian- and law enforcement personnel makes sense of their work in the ongoing transformation of the Swedish police. The grant will provide some basic funding for continuing our pilot study that was initiated last fall. Hopefully we will be able to tie larger grants to the effort, as well as a doctoral student that follows the work closely. Happy days!

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Co-organizing and attending workshop on organizing and strategizing in extreme environments at HEC Montreal

Markus, Mattias, Thomas, Martin and Elmar participates in the workshop co-arranged by TripleED, GePS and Ceros. Extremely interesting line-up in terms of researched contexts and theoretical elaborations. See program here: 201401009_Progam_WorkshopExtremeContexts and description below.


Description: In a global world characterized by uncertainty and ambiguity, managers, workers and stakeholders have to deal with extreme situations « where risks of severe physical, psychological or material consequences (e.g., physical harm, devastation or destruction) to organizational members or their constituents exist » (Hannah et al., 2009). These situations impacts major loss or damage, directly (material, people) or indirectly (human health, economic situation, etc). Examples are major political or financial collapses, disasters, catastrophic environmental accidents, risk-taking events, expedition and rescue work, emergency situations and so on. As these contexts are outside the norms, practitioners have to perform their tasks according to a high level of stress, imagination and performance. Therefore, these contexts are of great relevance for better understand how they are strategizing and organizing in their day-to-day activities and practices. Ironically, practice researchers have until now pay scant attention to these contexts as they continue to look at conventional corporate and organizational settings.

The workshop will gather researchers interested in studying strategizing and organizing practices and activities happening in extreme contexts. Three types of contexts will be looked at: disruptive, risky or emergency. Disruptive contexts refer to environments in which individuals and groups have to deal with unexpected crises, accidents or unforeseen events that are outside the scope of their “normal” activity, such as (e.g. war, natural disasters, acts of terrorism, cyber attacks, nuclear accidents, or humanitarian situations). Risky contexts has to see with environments characterized by a high-level of uncertainty and potential danger that might can threaten the personal safety or have huge material, physical or psychological consequences for organization members who are performing their tasks in these contexts, (e.g. polar- and mountaineering expeditions, military operations, spatial explorations, oil exploitation in Artic or other high-risk management situations).  By emergency contexts, we particularly refer to professional organizations that are daily engaged in managing emergency situations and where the risk concerns mainly the “client” or are part of their “normal” routine tasks (e.g. hospitals, police, firemen and so on). The workshop will be devoted to share theoretical and methodological expertise and related to the challenges and opportunities of researching in extreme contexts through a practice lens.

The workshop will be organized around plenary and parallel sessions related to each context. Plenary session will be devoted to presentation by researchers having already published some work related to these contexts.  In parallel sessions, researchers will share their project, researches and work in progress together.

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